Sunday, June 3, 2012

Final Study Guide

Final is 100% multiple choice (T/F, matching, multiple Choice).Many questions from early tests/quizzes will make another appearance as slightly easier versions.

Enlightenment, French Revolution, & Napoleon
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (social contract)
Montesquieu (separation of powers)
Maximilien Robespierre (reign of terror)
John Locke (Tabula Rasa)
Napoleon Bonaparte 
Louis XVI (king)
Mary Wollstonecraft (women’s rights)
Adam Smith (laissez-faire)
Francis Bacon (scientific method)
Marie Antoinette (queen)
New ideas for society from the Age of Enlightenment
Conditions pre-French Revolution
Tennis Court Oath
First Estate
Second Estate
Third Estate
Reign of Terror
Rise, defeat & exile of Napoleon

Empires of Eurasia 
Ottoman Empire
Peaceful religion: Muslim, Orthodox, Catholic, and Jewish (but tax)
Suleiman the Magnificent 
use of gunpowder
Mughal Empire
Religious harmony: Muslim & Hindus
Akbar the Great
Taj Mahal
use of gunpowder
Safavid Empire
Shah Ababs
Religion forced conversion: Sunni must be Shia 
use of gunpowder 
Ming Dynasty
Middle Kingdom
Zheng He
Mandate of Heaven 

4 reasons for european imperialism
direct rule
indirect rule
Founding of Singapore 
Treaty of Nangjin
Scramble for Africa
Sepoy Mutiny

World War I
4 MAIN causes of WWI
assassination of Franz Ferdinand 
Trench Warfare
Schliefren Plan
Total War 
3 impacts of total war on societies 
sinking of the Lusitania

World War II
forced labor camps
concentration camps
Adolf Hitler
Hideki Tojo
Joseph Stalin
Winston Churchhill
Benito Mussolini
Oscar Schindler
Maginot Line 
Pearl Harbor
Island hopping

Cold War
Causes of Cold War
Why it’s called Cold War
Division of Germany & Berlin post WWII
Cuban Missile Crisis 
Domino Theory

Thursday, May 31, 2012

To Tell the Truth: Cold War Edition

Today you'll be joining your To Tell the Truth: Cold War Edition teams. Start by downloading the Cold War people notes. Once your assigned to your team of spies your team should do the following:

  1. As a group decide on people's roles.
  2. Fill out your notecard with basic notes on your role. Use the "cold war people notes" from my shared folder. (Hannan has 1 notecard for get each person.)
  3. Watch a YouTube clips of about your person to get more information or some other online resource.
  4. Watch a couple YouTube clips of your person speaking to try and pickup his mannerism. 
  5. Do not loose your notecard!

Link for later.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Good work world history students! I received many missing assignments on Friday; so many in fact that I couldn't get through them all this weekend. I'll be continuing to grade your work and I'll post when I am all caught up. If you are worried I didn't get something feel free to email me. The final day for makeup work is still this Friday, June 1st at 3:10. The only exception is that I have 1 student that need to retake a test next Monday at lunch. Talk to me ASAP to schedule makeup time.

Today in class we'll be going over what the class worked on with the sub. Then I'll show you the game show we are going to play the last day of class (not on the finals day). If we have time we'll start to look at  how close the Cold War took us to nuclear war and total annihilation.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Cold Beginnings

Both cores... Follow the directions below within the Google presentation.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Newsreels & Quiz

Today we'll be watching our finished newsreel projects and taking our quiz on World War II. Start by downloading the note taking guide, "newsreel viewing notes". While we are loading the movies up feel free to fill out your notes based on what you already know, have read, or learned about. Your quiz today will start at around 10:10-10:15.

Monday, May 21, 2012


I got a number of emails asking for more time to finish people's newsreels... So here is the plan.

Originally I cut our the peer-review to give us more time to work. Students who are done are going to be rewarded by getting to complete the peer-review (and get points for it). Students not done will miss out on the peer-review & not get the peer-review points. Download the rubric from my shared folder. I need all newsreels by 8:35 am tomorrow.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Work Day

Same deal as yesterday... the class will see another example from last year and you'll have the rest of the hour to work on your newsreels. The newsreels are due at the start of your first class next week (Monday 8:40 am core 1 and Tuesday 8:40 am core 5).

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Schindler's List

Discussion Questions:

1. Itzhak Stern played a critical role in part I of Schindler’s list. How does Stern, the accountant, keep nudging Schindler in the direction of saving Jewish from the holocaust? List examples from the movie and explain how these action are moving Schindler.
2. About halfway through part I Schindler toasts to thank Stern (and Stern refuses to celebrate). Why do you think Stern acts as he does, and why does he never drink with Oskar?
3. Schindler and his mistress witness a massacre in the Krakow ghetto, and Oskar observes a wandering Jewish girl in a red coat.
a. What do you think is the significance of this "girl in red"?
b. What might she represent or symbolize?
c. This is one of the few occasions in the film when color is used. Why is color used? What statement does this make?

Why did Schindler do it?
It is obvious that Schindler risked his life to save the Jews. Did he do it out of empathy, impulse, self-interest, influence? What things did Oskar see that helped him understand the horror of the situation? Give specific examples from the film to support your view. Was Oskar dedicated from the beginning, pushed by Stern, or only when he received the ring was he sure he had done the right thing? Did Oskar ever really realize how much he had done?

Monday, May 7, 2012


Your goal today is to finish finding sources and have the notes done within the next two days.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Newsreel WWII

Today we are starting our WWII newsreels. As a class we're going to watch this newsreel from the same time period as World War II. As you think about the newsreel you are creating, answer the following questions:
1) What are some things that this newsreel did well to create suspense and drama?
2) If you were directing this newsreel what would you change to make it better?
3) What techniques or ideas can you steal from this newsreel to make yours more authentic?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Rise of the Dictator

Sit in your regular assigned seats but you will need to be in groups of 5 today for class. We are looking at the rise of dictators between WWI & WWII (Hideki Tojo, Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Francisco Franco).

Monday, April 30, 2012

Paris Peace Conference

(As a class we'll be watching the first 6 minutes of the this clip, so don't start it yet.) 

Today we'll be simulating the Paris Peace Conference and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. You do not need your computer today.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Make sure you have turned in your trench warfare source work, & WWI flow chart for this unit. We are taking the quiz during the second half of class.

1) Why we are re-evaluating ourselves on the imperialism news articles.
2) The wrap of World War I... and thus the start of World War II.
3) Quiz.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Anzac Day

Today is Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand, originally commemorated by both countries on 25 April every year to honour the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli, and lost, in the Ottoman Empire during World War I. It now more broadly commemorates all those who served and died in military operations for their countries.

For class today open up both your flow chart of WWI and your notes on WWI.

Do not forget to turn in your Life as a Solider worksheet.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Life as a solider during World War I

Open up your notes on World War I & add a section titled warfare. As a class we'll learn about Trench Warfare & New Weapons: New Horrors. Afterwards each student will complete Life as a Solider in WWI. Refer to your calendar for due dates.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Alliances of World War I

Today is our simulation of the system of alliances of World War I. Start by grabbing the European Alliances of WWI handout and filling out the blank map of Europe (pg. 718). I will be explaining the simulation and assigning roles in a few minutes.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Great War

Then start class by downloading the Q4 schedule for your core. This schedule has our plan for each day of class, all the major assignments, and due dates for the entire quarter.  As you can see on the schedule today we are going to start learning about World War I. Open a new part of your notebook or a new pages document. Label it World War I notes.

*There was a problem with the cartoon scans so can use imperialism cartoon from the internet instead of your classmates. 
*Drop your AP reports part 2 by the end of the day (4 articles with 2 cartoons).

Monday, April 16, 2012

MCA Review

Today we'll be reviewing for the MCA reading test. Based on the practice exam Mr. Mac has 86% of the 10th grade class passing the MCAs. You'll check in with your core 1 teacher at 8:40 then head to your testing room. The testing groups are on the guidance/counseling room door.

Take out your MCA review packet PDF (from Mr. Mac) and your answers.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Imperialism Quiz.

Don't forget to turn in your After-School Matters forms and if you didn't signup for Rock Climbing with Mr. Ziols you should... (I have extra copies of the signup form & the guide is both on the website and in my shared folder.)

Our quiz on imperialism is today. You'll get the link to the quiz at 11:45. Until then you should review your notes. After the quiz you'll have the rest of the hour to quietly work on Part 2 of the Imperialism AP Reports project. Again it is due next Thursday, April 19 for both classes.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

AP Reports part 2

Save your AP report as:

  • if you are writing from a pro-imperialism perceptive= PI.<topic>.<pen name>
  • if you are writing from an anti-imperialism perspective= AI.<topic>.<pen name>

In you peer review make sure to include your pen name so I know who's article is who.

Drop you both your article & peer review to my drop box.

Part 2 of the project is due on after the MCAs, Thursday 6/19, for both classes.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Imperialism Article Peer Review

Today we are reviewing & refining our imperialism articles. Download Core#_YOURLASTNAME_PeerReview from my shared folder. Save it to reflect your name/core. As soon as you grab this file & save it close your laptop.

I'll be showing you what we are looking for with an example article. Your goal today is to have two peer reviews done & your self assessment. Your updated/revised article is due tomorrow morning.

Don't forget about your reading and our quiz this week.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Q4, Day 1

Today to start class everyone will get the chance to share one cool (or at least not lame) thing he or she did during break. We'll also talk about our plans for Q4 then get time to work on the Imperialism AP Reports part 1 & the reading for this unit.
  • Imperialism AP Reports part 1 due Tuesday core 1 and Wednesday for core 5
  • Quiz on Imperialism on the last day our class meets (I'll be collecting notes for all the reading sections)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

End of Q3

Today we are working on part one of the Imperialism AP Reports project (due Tuesday when we get back from break for core 1 and Wednesday for core 5).

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Critical thinking exercise

Both classes are registrering for next years classes. Even if you are unsure about next year registrer today to make sure you have some a spot in classes.

9:15-9:35am World History-Core 5 Hannan
9:38-10:00am World History-Core 1 Hannan

Besides registering for class today... download "British Imperialism in India- Critical Thinking Exercise" from my shared folder you'll have about 20 minutes to critically examine British rule in India then I'll introduce your project for this unit.

REGISTRATION PROCESS-Going into Grade 10 2012-13

1. Login to School View - please ask for assistance if you have trouble logging in.

2. Click “Registration.”
Under “Previously registered courses” look to see that you have been pre-registered for
your five required courses from section 1 of your registration form.  This should total 10 credits.

Next to “Course” enter the four digit course number of your choices from your
            registration form. Begin with section 2. This should total 2 credits. 

Then enter course numbers from your first three choices from section 3. This should total 3 credits.

3.  Once you have checked your required courses and entered four digit course numbers from
     sections 2 and 3, raise your hand and a staff member will assist you in the end of the    
     registration process. You should have a total of 14 course credits.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Scrabble for the Classroom

Do not forget to finish reading Chapter 21 (sections 1, 2, 3) & Chapter 22 section 1. There will not be a quiz this week but there will be one midweek when we get back from spring break.

Take the first few minutes of class to first drop your work from last week (the primary source analysis) AND copy paste your findings into our classes shared document. If you finish both of these things before the rest of the class you should work on your reading for this unit.

In class today we'll be doing a simulation called scrabble for the classroom.

Blog post: Scrabble for Africa.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

White Man's Burden

Today we'll be spending the first 10 minutes on our reading check quiz. This is a timed test so all tests must be submitted by 11:44 (the quizzes are timestamped when you hit the submit button).

After the quiz we'll be reading some primary sources to learn more about the European's racists view on imperialism, "white man's burden". Download Imperialism primary source analysis from __________.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Take out your notes from yesterday. We'll be finishing them today. Then we'll start reading chapter 21 (just section 21.1 today but read 21.1, 21.2, 21.3 & 22.1 by the end of this unit). Everyone will be using the 7 parts notes template today and their will be a 5-10 min. reading check to start class tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rise of Eurasia Quiz

Today we have our quiz for the first half of class (until 10:15). Then we'll start our new unit on imperialism and the lead up to World War I.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Rise of Eurasia Review

If you haven't heard the quiz will be tomorrow rather than today so we are not rushed for time. Tomorrow you'll take a quiz for the first 20-30 minutes then we'll start learning about imperialism.

Today we'll be playing jeopardy as a class but before we review you need to take 4 minutes and complete the self-evaluation of your project. Your project will be marked as missing if you do not complete this form. Make sure to save the file as core#.lastname.rise of eurasia rubric

When we start jeopardy all of the space infront of you must be clear.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Student Lectures!

Very few of you turned in jeopardy questions. They need to be in my dropbox before the end of Friday to receive any credit. 
Today we'll be hearing the student lectures on the Rise of the Empires of Eurasia.

One of the most important skills needed to be success in college is note-taking skills. We are going to experiment with something for note-taking. Durning each presentation we are just going to focus on listening (no taking notes on paper or the computer). After each presentation we'll open up our notes and write down what we remember as the most important aspects from each group. Hopefully this strategy will get us to focus on the main ideas from each dynasty instead of being bogged down in details.

On the right side are the presentation schedules. As mentioned yesterday every group should be ready to go in their allotted times. No exceptions.

If you have extra time... Below is a note-taking advice page from Dartmouth College  (they happen to suggest Cornell-notes.
Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 5.2 - Student Lecture Series

Do not forget to turn in your 4 jeopardy questions. There are 5 categories: economics, conquests, people, religion, & Art/Architecture. Submit the answers, the questions, and the category (drop them today!)

Project Timeline
  1. Research... start with the text book (reader, vocab/study guide, summarizer)
  2. Research... find answers to standards and questions (come up with a creative way to teach class about your empire) 
  3. Create... create your outline, study guide terms, and start creating your finished project. (also signup for your presentation day)
  4. Create... create your outline, study guide terms, and start creating your finished project. (also signup for your presentation day)
  5. Create & practice... keynote, game, video, song, poem and submit 4 Jeopardy questions
  6. Practice & present... presentations part 1 (4 groups)
  7. Present... presentations part 2  (6 groups) 
  8. Evaluate... Jeopardy then the quiz (& self-evaluation is you didn't finish them the day before)

Take a few moments and help out... In connection with the Bridge, sophomore Maddie B. is heading up a clothing drive. Please take a moment and complete this survey.
Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.
Makeup/Later Work countdown...   

Day 5- Working a raining day away.

After looking over groups notes, outlines, and study guides I'm confident that we are going to learn a lot about the Empires of Eurasia during the 16th & 17th century. My only worry is that groups have enough time to polish their presentations... so we are going to move everything back a day. You should still finish your presentation today but take tomorrow to run through it a couple times (get your "hook" right, who is going to say what, well spoken, no errors, looks nice etc.).

*Also I have the study guide completed but I am waiting to post it until after I've checked in with all the groups. If you group is done and wants access to it early let me know.
A video for your amusement... by a comedian about what not to do for powerpoint presentations.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 4- Student Lecture Series

This weekend is daylight savings. We are springing ahead in spring which means move your clocks forward one hour on Sunday.

Same deal as yesterday. Make your way to your seat (if your not already). Mr. Hannan has a few with announcements but you'll get the majority of class to use as work time. If you didn't turn in your outline and study guide terms yet THEY ARE LATE. Do it now. I'll be grading them before conferences tonight.

Project Timeline
  1. Research... start with the text book (reader, vocab/study guide, summarizer)
  2. Research... find answers to standards and questions (come up with a creative way to teach class about your empire) 
  3. Create... create your outline, study guide terms, and start creating your finished prooject. (also signup for your presentation day)
  4. Create...  keynote, game, video, song, dance poem, prezi, etc.
  5. Create & practice... keynote, game, video, song, poem and submit 4 Jeopardy questions
  6. Practice & present... presentations part 1 (4 groups)
  7. Present... presentations part 2  (6 groups) 
  8. Evaluate... Jeopardy until 12:10 then Quiz (& self-evaluation is you didn't finish them the day before)

*Conferences are this week and the end of the quarter is close behind. Below is a countdown to turn in all makeup work by (Friday, March 23).

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The seating chart we got yesterday will be up on the board; make your way to your seat (if your not already). Mr. Hannan has a few with announcements but you'll get the majority of class to use as work time.

*By the end of today you must have dropped both your outline (WH5.names.Mingoutline) & your study guide terms (WH5.names.Ottomanguide).

Project Timeline
  1. Research... start with the text book (reader, vocab/study guide, summarizer)
  2. Research... find answers to standards and questions (come up with a creative way to teach class about your empire) 
  3. Create... presentation outline & study guide for your empire (also signup for presentation day)
  4. Create... keynote, game, video, song, poem
  5. Create & practice... keynote, game, video, song, poem and submit 4 Jeopardy questions
  6. Practice & present... presentations part 1 (4 groups)
  7. Present... presentations part 2  (6 groups) 
  8. Evaluate... Jeopardy until 12:10 then Quiz (& self-evaluation is you didn't finish them the day before)

*Conferences are this week and the end of the quarter is close behind. Below is a countdown to turn in all makeup work by (Friday, March 23).

Day 2- Student Lecture Series

The seating chart we got yesterday will be up on the board; make your way to your seat (if your not already). Mr. Hannan has a few with announcements but you'll get the majority of class to use as work time.

Project Timeline
  1. Research... start with the text book (reader, vocab/study guide, summarizer)
  2. Research... find answers to standards and questions (come up with a creative way to teach class about your empire) 
  3. Create... presentation outline & study guide for your empire (also signup for presentation day)
  4. Create... keynote, game, video, song, poem
  5. Create & practice... keynote, game, video, song, poem and submit 4 Jeopardy questions
  6. Practice & present... presentations part 1 (4 groups)
  7. Present... presentations part 2  (6 groups) 
  8. Evaluate... Jeopardy until 12:10 then Quiz (& self-evaluation is you didn't finish them the day before)

*Conferences are this week and the end of the quarter is close behind. Below is a countdown to turn in all makeup work by (Friday, March 23).

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Student Spotlight: Ren. Art Project

*Page down to see the previous post of today's plan for class.

Often we spend so much time focused on our own work we forget to notice and acknowledge how awesome your classmates are doing. Below are some examples of excellent work on the Renaissance Art Presentations from a couple weeks ago. Parents if you are you are hearing about this assignment for the first time check out the link to see the assignment. If you don't see your son's, daughter's, granddaughter's, etc. they were all pretty good so don't be afraid to ask your student to share his/hers or email me

The Emergence of the First Global Age, 1450-1770

We are shifting our focus back to the east, to Eurasia & Asia. For this unit you'll largely be learning from your classmates but you will benefit from reading both chapter 15 and 16 (pg. 454-482). You'll get a study guide at the beginning of next week. I'll check off either your notes from the reading or the study guide before the quiz and you'll need to have one of them competed for any retakes.

Our goal for this unit is to look at how large territorial empires dominated much of Eurasia between the 16th and 18th centuries. Download the "The Rise of the
Empires of Eurasia" for the directions and close out of all other applications/windows.

*Before the end of the hour check your schoolview to make sure your grades are correct and up-to-date. If there are any mistakes I want to correct them before conferences, this Thursday. If you are going to turn in missing/makeup work make sure to tell me as well as dropbox it so I do not miss it.

Project Timeline
  1. Research... start with the text book (reader, vocab/study guide, summarizer)
  2. Research... find answers to standards and questioner
  3. Create... presentation outline & study guide for your empire (also signup for presentation day)
  4. Create... keynote, game, video, song, poem
  5. Create & practice... keynote, game, video, song, poem and submit 4 Jeopardy questions
  6. Practice & present... presentations part 1 (4 groups)
  7. Present... presentations part 2  (6 groups) 
  8. Evaluate... Jeopardy until 12:10 then Quiz (& self-evaluation is you didn't finish them the day before)

Ming Dynasty
Explain the... 
  • location of the Ming Dynasty.
  • important figures from the Ming Dynasty.
  • any major events under the Ming dynasty. The two or three most important.
  • accomplishments of the Ming dynasty. The two or three most important.
  • arts under the Ming dynasty.
  • role of religion during Ming dynasty: Neo-Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism.
  • imperial absolutism under the Ming dynasty.
  • idea of “middle kingdom” (central connection between other Asia nations) with Korea, Vietnam, and other societies of East and Southeast Asia.
  • economic changes happening under the Ming dynasty. 
  • China’s changing attitudes toward external political and commercial relations following the Zheng He.

Ottoman Empire
Explain the... 
  • location of the Ottoman Empire.
  • important figures from the Ottoman Empire.
  • any major events under the Ottoman Empire. The two or three most important.
  • accomplishments of the Ottoman Empire. The two or three most important.
  • arts and architecture under the Ottoman Empire.
  • interaction of religions during Ottoman Empire: Muslim, Orthodox, Catholic, and Jewish.
  • capture of Constantinople and the destruction of the Byzantine empire contributed to the expansion of Ottoman power
  • the economic development of the Ottoman empire in the context of its religious and ethnic diversity. 
  • Ottoman military successes against Persia, Egypt, North African states, and Christian European kingdoms.

Safavids Empire
Explain the... 
  • location of the Safavid Empire.
  • important figures from the Safavid Empire.
  • any major events under the Safavid Empire. The two or three most important.
  • accomplishments of the Safavid Empire. The two or three most important.
  • arts and architecture under the Safavid Empire.
  • role of religion during Safavid Empire: Shiitte Muslims vs. Sunni Muslims.
  • unification of Persia under the Safavids & Shah Abbas.
  • economic successes and challenges under the Safavid Empire. 

Mughal Empire
Explain the... 
  • location of the Mughal Empire.
  • important figures from the Mughal Empire.
  • any major events under the Mughal Empire. The two or three most important.
  • accomplishments of the Mughal Empire. The two or three most important.
  • arts and architecture under the Mughal Empire.
  • role of religion during Mughal Empire: Muslims & Hindus.
  • how the Mughal Empire conquered and expanded in India.
  • economic impact of the Mughal Empire on the Indian subcontinent. 
  • importance of the Taj Mahal.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Quiz today.

Take out your completed study guide for Mr. Hannan to check off. While you wait from him to check it off and take attendance quietly go through it.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

After the Revolution in France. Napoleon the Man & the Myth

Start class by downloading the document "Napoleon video & text". To start class we'll as a class watch the Lady Gaga video about then watch our only video series I like in world history, Conquerors. After the video we'll talk about what we saw/heard and explore some quote from Napoleon @ wikiquote.

Don't forget about your quiz Thursday (core 1) or Friday (core 5). I'll be checking your notes/study guide off when you start the quiz. 

Below is the most informative map/graph/chart ever!

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Revolution is on hold

Due to a... screen printing field trip, Core 1 & 5 being off due to no school last Monday, and a rather large quiz at the end of this week... our simulation of the French Revolutions is to resume on Tuesday. Below is our study guide for this test. I'll be looking at your study guides before the quiz. Today our class will be spent with on check-ins with Mr. Hannan & worktime to complete the study guide/notecards.

*Core 5 don't forget to drop your reading calendar for Mr. Mac.
*Game night tonight at Crystal from 5-8!

Study Guide
People & groups
Rene Descartes
Francis Bacon
John Locke
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Baron de Montesquieu
Adam Smith
Mary Wollstonecraft
Louis XVI
Marie Antoinette
Three estates
National Assembly
Maximilien Robespierre
Committee of Public Safety
The Directory
Napoleon Bonaparte
Duke of Wellingtion

Scientific method/inductive reasoning
Tabula rasa
Social contract
Separation of powers
Limited monarchy
Republic of Virtue
Coup d’etat

Events and ideas
Ideals of the enlightenment (societal changes on the views of…)
Causes of the French Revolution
Tennis Court Oath
Storming of the Bastille
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Constitution of 1791
Reign of Terror
Rise of Napoleon
Disaster in Russia
Defeat at Waterloo
St. Helena

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 2 Experiencing the France Revolution

Put your laptop away and find a seat according the board.

Reflection questions:

How did it feel to be a ______ during the meeting of the Estates-General?
For those who vote to meet as a separate body, how did it feel to take that action?
For those who chose not to become a part of the revolution, how did it feel to see so many people move towards revolution?
Who might have the most/least power after the meeting of the Estates-General?
What questions do you have about the similarities/differences between your experience  and the historical reality?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Experiencing France During the Reign of Louis XVI

Today we'll be simulating life under the reign of Louis XVI.  You will receive 6 points for being a willing participant in this simulation (2 point each day). If you don't follow rules and stay engaged in the simulation you will lose these point.

There are five basic rules for the simulation:
  • Be on time
  • Follow directions of the Role Cards
    • (Also please treat these cards carefully since they are a part of my classroom set and thus are used all day)
  • Commit to the simulation
    • (Be “in character”)
    • (Respect the process and give it a try)
  • Help reorganize and cleanup the classroom 
  • Hannan makes the final decision
If you get to class early follow this link to see some 360 Panoramic images.

Monday, February 20, 2012

How did we do?

Hopefully everyone had a great 3 day weekend. Today in class we'll be processing and evaluating our interviews from last week.

Start by opening a pages document titled "enlightenment interview reflections". Your tasks for the first 30 minutes of class is to answer the following questions (the questions are broken up into three different categories, content, process, & evaluation):

-Explain who your enlightened enlightener was and what made him or her famous. (Just 2 or 3 sentences.)
-Based on the interview, which new idea or theory seems to be the most important from the enlighteners (why?)
-Based on the enlighteners contributions to the world, how is the way society thinks changing?

-Which parts of the interview/resume seemed realistic?
-Which parts of the interview/resume seemed unrealistic?
-After this project do you feel more able to create a resume and interview for a job? (Why?)
-What suggestions would you give to next years class on doing this assignment well (or what would you do differently if you could go back in time to do this assignment better)?
-What suggestions would you give to next Mr. Hannan to make this assignment even better?

-Explain how you think the class as a whole did at role playing/acting as a famous person from the enlightenment. Also rate the class on a scale of 1-10 (10 being perfect and 1 being very poorly).
-Explain how you think your group did at role playing/acting as a famous person from the enlightenment. Also rate your group on a scale of 1-10 (10 being perfect and 1 being very poorly).
-Explain how your resume went. Also rate your resume on a scale of 1-10 (10 being perfect and 1 being very poorly).
-Taking the whole project together how do you personally think you did? What grade do you think your deserve and why?
-Taking the whole project together what grade would you give your group members and why?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Interview Day

We'll be conducting our interviews in the media center. You have ten minutes to organize your team for the interview. When we walk down to the media center we must stay quiet in the hall and as we walk down the stairs. GL!

Make sure you have:
- Your professional name tag.
- Your resume and/or notes (I printed those in my dropbox already). Nobody will be using their computers during the interview.
- Spend the rest of the prep. time practicing your answers. (Resume builders asking the actor or actress questions from yesterday's list).

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Interview Questions

Above are questions that might be asked in the most Enlightened Enlightener of the Enlightenment interview. Spend sometime today in class and tonight at home practicing your answers. The group members in charge of the resume should help the candidate formulate some answers and practice. 

For tomorrow:
- Any resumes in my dropbox by 8:30 will be printed and brought to class so the candidate can look at the resume during the interview.
- Candidate can use one piece of paper or notecard in addition to the resume. Student should not be reading from the notes just glancing at them in for ideas. 
- Don't forget your candidate's name tag and to impress. 
- Non-candidates (the rest of the class) will be completing an evaluation of the candidates during the interview, like a fishbowl discussion.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Water Glasses

Any idea what are these images trying to tell you? Well glass on the left represents right now and the glass on the left is at the end of the hour. Your goal for today is to finish the 90% of the resumes and research so you can practice tomorrow. The interviews are being conducted the day after tomorrow (Thursday for core 1 & Friday for core 5). There will be a couple outside guests to conduct our interviews and we'll be recording (audio) of the whole event.

*There is no quiz this week so you homework is to make these interviews AWESOME.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Open up a new pages document and save it as "enlightenment". Start by brainstorming people you think of as enlightened. If you aren't certain what enlightened or enlighten means the definition is the image to the left and below are some synonyms:  informed, well-informed, aware, sophisticated, advanced, developed, liberal, open-minded, broad-minded, educated, knowledgeable, wise; civilized, refined, cultured, cultivated. Enlightened people don’t punch out people who think differently.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

R & R

As you wait for class to begin take out your notes on the Renaissance & Reformation and look over them. The quiz today is worth 18 points (6 matching, 6 short answer, 1 essay). After you finish the quiz you can quietly finish your voicethread project. If you are all the way done with the project call me over to double check your work and you can get ahead start on next weeks reading, Chapter 17.

*PS don't forget to post your 9 qualities of a leader on your blog with you images as metaphors.

Turn in by sharing the link with me (see below)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Jersey Shores / Soap Opera of World History

Most of the day will be spent on the Renaissance Art Projects. You'll also be learning about Henry the VIII, who I like to call the king of soap operas (thus the Jersey Shores image).  Download the Henry the VIII keynote from my shared folder.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Troubles

The images above are from Northern Ireland and all center around the Protestant and Catholic war called "The Troubles". Today in class we'll be learning about the original split of the Catholic Church (called the Reformation). You'll also get time to work on your Renaissance Art Project. Take out your notes on the Renaissance so you can add on the introduction to the Reformation (we'll start after folks fill out the survey below).

Konni, our food service director, is revamping the high school food service experience. Take the first five to ten minutes to take fill out this survey.

Fair School Downtown is in the planning stages of creating a food court for high school students for the 2012-2013 school year.  High school students are invited to provide input as to what foods should be available for breakfast, lunch, snacks/beverages, as well as after school.  Thanks for taking this survey!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


This week our quiz has two parts, our normal short-answer style questions & a VoiceThread project. For the short answer part finish reading chapter 12 from our textbook and keep paying attention in class. For the VoiceThread part download the directions from my shared folder "Renaissance Art Presentations
2.0". As a class we'll go over the expectations of the "Renaissance Art Presentations
2.0". Watch the VoiceThread tutorial on your own time.

Post a comment with what you did instead of watching the Super Bowl or your favorite Super Bowl Ad. I am collecting the times from the comments so I can see how long it take each of you to get to my blog.

If you need to re-watch or missed the video introducing the art of the Renaissance it is in my shared folder.

Quiz score from last week are in the grade book. Students must show their notes from class and the reading before retaking the quiz. 

Lunch on Monday is after Core 3 (11:30-12:00) Core 4 runs from 12:05-1:05.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

High Renaissance

We're going to start today with a brief quiz on the beginnings of the Renaissance. Afterwards we'll be watching a 20-25 minute video focusing on the art of the Renaissance. You should organize your notes with the following headings (add them to your notes from earlier this week):

Style changes:

Technique changes:

Leonardo da Vinci-



Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What kind of people should rule and how should they rule?

Today we'll be finishing our translation of Castiglione & Machiavelli. While thinking about our own views on what makes a good leader/what kind of people do we want in power. Start today by loading up your google document and continuing to translate it. You will have 10 minutes.

The brief quiz tomorrow will only be on what we've been learning in class and sections 1 & 2 of Chapter 12. (The rest of the chapter will be on the other quiz.)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Machiavelli vs Castiglione

As we learned yesterday the Renaissance literally means rebirth. In this case it refers to the rebirth of Classic Greek and Roman ideas and ideologies such as: politics, philosophy, sculpture, literature, theatre, education, and architecture. Today we are going to look at the Renaissance of politics and philosophy by reading some excerpts from two writers of this time period.

From my shared folder download "Castiglione reading" & "Machiavelli reading". Once you have them download close your computer and wait for further instructions. 

Don't forget to read chapter 12. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Semester Two

Good morning FAIR School Downtown High School Students! Hope you had a relaxing weekend, our second semester begins now. Please login to schoolview to see your schedule so that you know what your arts classes are and to make sure that your core classes are the same. They should be but there have been some minor changes for some students.

Also on Tuesday some reporters from the Star Tribune are going to be @ FAIR School Downtown for an article highlighting FAIR. Be the awesome students you normally are for them.

Meanwhile back in world history class... Grades are still NOT 100% updated. Please stay patient. FAIR is planning to mail report card home by the end of the week. We're going to quickly look at Europe, Asia, & the Middle East one last time each before the world starts to truly interact and it becomes impossible to isolate regions of the world from each other.

This week's reading homework is to read Chapter 12. You will have a short quiz this week (Thursday/Friday) and a regular sized one two weeks out (Thursday, Feb. 9th for Core 1 & Friday, Feb. 10th for Core 5).

“The Renaissance is the April of Western civilization.” 

On blank pages document, write a paragraph explaining the meaning of this quote.  You may use resources available to you for help (like your textbook). You only have until 8:47 to write your paragraph.

Guidelines for the use of TodaysMeet. (Any violation of these guidelines will result in the immediately termination of the activity. This means follow the rules... there are no second chances.) TodaysMeet is an alternate way to hold a discussion which allows for different voices to be heard. 
1) Select an appropriate name.
-You can use an alias but your name has to be 100% clean (good enough to use infront of you Grandmother & Ms. Cumming)
-No impersonating others 
2) Comments must stay on task and on topic (anything you type is just like being said aloud with the whole class except there is also a written record of your comment).
3) Comments must be less then 140 characters.
4) Stay engaged in the conversation by having zero distractions open on your computer.

Take the paragraph you wrote and summarize your thoughts into a tweet (140 characters or less) BUT do not weaken your argument. --

Copy and paste into your browser.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Essay question

Essay (30 points)
We’ve studied many topics in the first semester of our world history class. For the essay portion of the final you must choose one of the following three topics to write about: how geography’s effects can be seen in world history, how religions of the world are similar and different, or what makes leaders/civilizations successful vs. why poor leaders/civilizations fail. Regardless of what topic you choose your essay must have an introduction paragraph, a thesis statement (underline it), ten pieces of historical evidence (or examples) to support your thesis, and a conclusion paragraph. You may want to create an outline before you start writing but it will not be graded. You will need to write in complete sentences but you will not be punished for grammatical errors. You will need to use the back of this paper but if you need more space attach another piece of paper.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Final Exam Panic

Save yourself from final exam panic. (Taken from Washington State University.)

Final exams are stressful, but they don't have to be distressful. Because exams require you to produce information and results, not just receive them as in lectures, they are stressful. Your mind and body naturally react to the anticipation of these demands. Getting "psyched up" about finals helps you stay alert, attentive, and focused.
Too much worry, however, may lead to final exam panic, a syndrome known to many students. 
To get the best results this week follow the following tips.

Use "Balanced Time." Preparing for finals requires more time than regular exams. It doesn't mean, though, that every single remaining minute should be devoted only to study. Comprehension suffers when you cram. Arrange for strategic breaks during 1 to 2 hour study periods. Refresh yourself with a stretch, splash cold water on your face, eat some energy food, get fresh air, or have a brief conversation with a study partner. Though you will devote more time to studying, don't deprive yourself of everything.
Design a Realistic Schedule. Plan an hourly schedule of activities for each remaining day before finals. List class time, what you plan to study, employment, recreation, and personal time. Check off tasks when you have finished them. You should know what, where, and when you'll be doing something at all times. Be realistic. You're not going to study 20 hours a day, but you might be able to handle 6 to 8 hours if you pace yourself. Proficiency will be down in your other responsibilities. Some non-academic activities have to wait until after finals.
Prioritize. Decide which courses need more attention. Identify your weak areas within each subject. Review these daily. Subjects in which you're stronger won't require as much time.
Review Previous Quizzes and Exams. Although questions may not be repeated, the underlying concepts may be. Familiarize yourself with the kinds of questions asked.
Be Prepared. Have study sheets or flash cards with you at all times. When you have an extra 5 minutes, review the handy materials. Arrive at the test site ahead of schedule. Avoid mingling with test-anxious classmates just before the exam. Anxiety can be contagious.
Stay in Good Physical Shape. If your mind is to be alert, your body has to be functioning well. Try a few minutes of general calisthenics each day. Eat sensibly. Be mindful of the effects of excessive caffeine and sugar on nervousness. Avoid non-prescription drugs and minimize your alcohol consumption. Get regular, restful sleep at night.
Learn to Relax. Some anxiety is necessary to keep alert, but too much may contribute to panic. When you think of panicky or fearful thoughts, your body reacts accordingly. As soon as you think a negative thought, try breathing slowly and deeply, counting to ten, smiling, stretching or telling yourself, "the answer will come when I think things through calmly."
Solicit Support. Let people close to you know it's finals time. Ask them to help out with family responsibilities. Postpone some activities if they interfere too much. Form study groups with classmates and quiz each other.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Semester I Finals

Many of you have contacted me about updating your late work and blogger grades. Thanks for doing you work but...  between all the assignments being turned in and barely leaving my bed weekend because of the flu... I haven't graded everything yet. Thanks for your patients.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Take Home Exam

For this week's quiz you'll be recording yourself in imovie explaining some parts of African history. To get an A on this quiz I want to see and hear you explaining your answers not just reading answers. Quiz questions:
- What is Great Zimbabwe & What happened to it that was different from many historical places?
- What is Africa's geography like?
- Compare two african civilizations from this time period (Kush, Axum, Ghana, Mali, & Songhai).
- Explain the tradition of African Storytelling and how it was used to pass on information.
- Tell your the oral history story you'd like to pass on to future generations (you wrote it in class)?

The video needs to be in my drop box first thing Monday morning (Share->Export Movie->Medium sized).

*Remember that all late work is due by the end of the day Friday unless you are one of the few that has already worked something else out.

African Storytelling Traditions

Today Mr. Zavitz is going to tell us a traditional African story and we'll find out more about the storytelling traditions of Africa.

Also Mr. Hannan will be checking in with every student to today to tell them where they stand grade wise in world history.

*Remember that all late work is due by the end of the day Friday unless you are one of the few that has already worked something else out.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Study Guide

I am not going to be here today. Please be the excellent FAIR students I know you are for the sub. Sit in your assigned seats.

Your task today is to either start working through the study guide or to read chapter 7. Below is the link to our semester I study guide. There is a lot of information on the study guide but we've covered a lot this semester.

Step 1— Use your memories from the reading or activities done in class to fill out the study guide. Don’t look up anything you don’t know yet.
Step 2— Look over your notes from each section. As you go fill in what you find for the study guide.
Step 3— Skim the chapters, reread the chapters, or read them for the first time. As you go fill in the study guide.
Step 4— Lookup information that is still blank using other resources.
Step 5— Think back to our quizzes (any question asked before is fair game) and look over old assignments. Add anything important you find to the study guide.
Step 6— Look over study guide at least 3 times after it is completed.
* at any time ASK FOR HELP… stay after school to clarify topics/terms you don’t get!
** all class assignments, activities, and readings are fair game for the test.

Go here for the study guide. You can either copy and paste all the information into a pages document or you can make a copy and use google documents to work with other classmates (after your logged in, file->make a copy [or just copy paste it into a google doc], then share the guide a partner to work together.)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Limit Distractions

There are two weeks left in the semester. Now is the time to really limit distractions and finish strong... so in that vain we have a new seating chart.

This week we going to be looking at early African civilizations. Africa has a unique oral history tradition so we are going to be doing less writing/reading this week and more talking.

In class today we are learning about Great Zimbabwe. Normally we might just read from this great source but instead I am going to tell you the story (and your not going to be allowed to take notes... you just have to focus on listening). We're also going to be going over last week's quiz.

This week's reading is Chapter 7 (all the sections) and your quiz will be a take home oral quiz. Due Monday, Jan. 23rd. ALL makeup work is also due MONDAY, JAN 23rd. 

Link for later:
-What are some interesting facts about Great Zimbabwe?
-What kind of story is Great Zimbabwe telling us about its culture?
-What assumptions might we be able to make about Africa as a whole based on this story?
-How do you think the worlds history (history of "others" has been damage or is less then 100% truthful due dominate cultures bias?

Finals are (95 minutes long) 1 hours 35 minutes long

Core 1
Quiet Study Time with core 5
8:40-10:15 Core 2 Final
Core 4 Final
No School for students
Core 2
Core 3
Core 1 Final
Core 3 Final
Core 5 Final
Core 4
[After the game come back to core 1 to study.]
[Arts Block][Arts Block][Arts Block]