Sunday, June 3, 2012

Final Study Guide

Final is 100% multiple choice (T/F, matching, multiple Choice).Many questions from early tests/quizzes will make another appearance as slightly easier versions.

Enlightenment, French Revolution, & Napoleon
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (social contract)
Montesquieu (separation of powers)
Maximilien Robespierre (reign of terror)
John Locke (Tabula Rasa)
Napoleon Bonaparte 
Louis XVI (king)
Mary Wollstonecraft (women’s rights)
Adam Smith (laissez-faire)
Francis Bacon (scientific method)
Marie Antoinette (queen)
New ideas for society from the Age of Enlightenment
Conditions pre-French Revolution
Tennis Court Oath
First Estate
Second Estate
Third Estate
Reign of Terror
Rise, defeat & exile of Napoleon

Empires of Eurasia 
Ottoman Empire
Peaceful religion: Muslim, Orthodox, Catholic, and Jewish (but tax)
Suleiman the Magnificent 
use of gunpowder
Mughal Empire
Religious harmony: Muslim & Hindus
Akbar the Great
Taj Mahal
use of gunpowder
Safavid Empire
Shah Ababs
Religion forced conversion: Sunni must be Shia 
use of gunpowder 
Ming Dynasty
Middle Kingdom
Zheng He
Mandate of Heaven 

4 reasons for european imperialism
direct rule
indirect rule
Founding of Singapore 
Treaty of Nangjin
Scramble for Africa
Sepoy Mutiny

World War I
4 MAIN causes of WWI
assassination of Franz Ferdinand 
Trench Warfare
Schliefren Plan
Total War 
3 impacts of total war on societies 
sinking of the Lusitania

World War II
forced labor camps
concentration camps
Adolf Hitler
Hideki Tojo
Joseph Stalin
Winston Churchhill
Benito Mussolini
Oscar Schindler
Maginot Line 
Pearl Harbor
Island hopping

Cold War
Causes of Cold War
Why it’s called Cold War
Division of Germany & Berlin post WWII
Cuban Missile Crisis 
Domino Theory

Thursday, May 31, 2012

To Tell the Truth: Cold War Edition

Today you'll be joining your To Tell the Truth: Cold War Edition teams. Start by downloading the Cold War people notes. Once your assigned to your team of spies your team should do the following:

  1. As a group decide on people's roles.
  2. Fill out your notecard with basic notes on your role. Use the "cold war people notes" from my shared folder. (Hannan has 1 notecard for get each person.)
  3. Watch a YouTube clips of about your person to get more information or some other online resource.
  4. Watch a couple YouTube clips of your person speaking to try and pickup his mannerism. 
  5. Do not loose your notecard!

Link for later.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Good work world history students! I received many missing assignments on Friday; so many in fact that I couldn't get through them all this weekend. I'll be continuing to grade your work and I'll post when I am all caught up. If you are worried I didn't get something feel free to email me. The final day for makeup work is still this Friday, June 1st at 3:10. The only exception is that I have 1 student that need to retake a test next Monday at lunch. Talk to me ASAP to schedule makeup time.

Today in class we'll be going over what the class worked on with the sub. Then I'll show you the game show we are going to play the last day of class (not on the finals day). If we have time we'll start to look at  how close the Cold War took us to nuclear war and total annihilation.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Cold Beginnings

Both cores... Follow the directions below within the Google presentation.