Sunday, January 29, 2012

Semester Two

Good morning FAIR School Downtown High School Students! Hope you had a relaxing weekend, our second semester begins now. Please login to schoolview to see your schedule so that you know what your arts classes are and to make sure that your core classes are the same. They should be but there have been some minor changes for some students.

Also on Tuesday some reporters from the Star Tribune are going to be @ FAIR School Downtown for an article highlighting FAIR. Be the awesome students you normally are for them.

Meanwhile back in world history class... Grades are still NOT 100% updated. Please stay patient. FAIR is planning to mail report card home by the end of the week. We're going to quickly look at Europe, Asia, & the Middle East one last time each before the world starts to truly interact and it becomes impossible to isolate regions of the world from each other.

This week's reading homework is to read Chapter 12. You will have a short quiz this week (Thursday/Friday) and a regular sized one two weeks out (Thursday, Feb. 9th for Core 1 & Friday, Feb. 10th for Core 5).

“The Renaissance is the April of Western civilization.” 

On blank pages document, write a paragraph explaining the meaning of this quote.  You may use resources available to you for help (like your textbook). You only have until 8:47 to write your paragraph.

Guidelines for the use of TodaysMeet. (Any violation of these guidelines will result in the immediately termination of the activity. This means follow the rules... there are no second chances.) TodaysMeet is an alternate way to hold a discussion which allows for different voices to be heard. 
1) Select an appropriate name.
-You can use an alias but your name has to be 100% clean (good enough to use infront of you Grandmother & Ms. Cumming)
-No impersonating others 
2) Comments must stay on task and on topic (anything you type is just like being said aloud with the whole class except there is also a written record of your comment).
3) Comments must be less then 140 characters.
4) Stay engaged in the conversation by having zero distractions open on your computer.

Take the paragraph you wrote and summarize your thoughts into a tweet (140 characters or less) BUT do not weaken your argument. --

Copy and paste into your browser.

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