Monday, April 30, 2012

Paris Peace Conference

(As a class we'll be watching the first 6 minutes of the this clip, so don't start it yet.) 

Today we'll be simulating the Paris Peace Conference and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. You do not need your computer today.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Make sure you have turned in your trench warfare source work, & WWI flow chart for this unit. We are taking the quiz during the second half of class.

1) Why we are re-evaluating ourselves on the imperialism news articles.
2) The wrap of World War I... and thus the start of World War II.
3) Quiz.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Anzac Day

Today is Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand, originally commemorated by both countries on 25 April every year to honour the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli, and lost, in the Ottoman Empire during World War I. It now more broadly commemorates all those who served and died in military operations for their countries.

For class today open up both your flow chart of WWI and your notes on WWI.

Do not forget to turn in your Life as a Solider worksheet.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Life as a solider during World War I

Open up your notes on World War I & add a section titled warfare. As a class we'll learn about Trench Warfare & New Weapons: New Horrors. Afterwards each student will complete Life as a Solider in WWI. Refer to your calendar for due dates.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Alliances of World War I

Today is our simulation of the system of alliances of World War I. Start by grabbing the European Alliances of WWI handout and filling out the blank map of Europe (pg. 718). I will be explaining the simulation and assigning roles in a few minutes.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Great War

Then start class by downloading the Q4 schedule for your core. This schedule has our plan for each day of class, all the major assignments, and due dates for the entire quarter.  As you can see on the schedule today we are going to start learning about World War I. Open a new part of your notebook or a new pages document. Label it World War I notes.

*There was a problem with the cartoon scans so can use imperialism cartoon from the internet instead of your classmates. 
*Drop your AP reports part 2 by the end of the day (4 articles with 2 cartoons).

Monday, April 16, 2012

MCA Review

Today we'll be reviewing for the MCA reading test. Based on the practice exam Mr. Mac has 86% of the 10th grade class passing the MCAs. You'll check in with your core 1 teacher at 8:40 then head to your testing room. The testing groups are on the guidance/counseling room door.

Take out your MCA review packet PDF (from Mr. Mac) and your answers.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Imperialism Quiz.

Don't forget to turn in your After-School Matters forms and if you didn't signup for Rock Climbing with Mr. Ziols you should... (I have extra copies of the signup form & the guide is both on the website and in my shared folder.)

Our quiz on imperialism is today. You'll get the link to the quiz at 11:45. Until then you should review your notes. After the quiz you'll have the rest of the hour to quietly work on Part 2 of the Imperialism AP Reports project. Again it is due next Thursday, April 19 for both classes.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

AP Reports part 2

Save your AP report as:

  • if you are writing from a pro-imperialism perceptive= PI.<topic>.<pen name>
  • if you are writing from an anti-imperialism perspective= AI.<topic>.<pen name>

In you peer review make sure to include your pen name so I know who's article is who.

Drop you both your article & peer review to my drop box.

Part 2 of the project is due on after the MCAs, Thursday 6/19, for both classes.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Imperialism Article Peer Review

Today we are reviewing & refining our imperialism articles. Download Core#_YOURLASTNAME_PeerReview from my shared folder. Save it to reflect your name/core. As soon as you grab this file & save it close your laptop.

I'll be showing you what we are looking for with an example article. Your goal today is to have two peer reviews done & your self assessment. Your updated/revised article is due tomorrow morning.

Don't forget about your reading and our quiz this week.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Q4, Day 1

Today to start class everyone will get the chance to share one cool (or at least not lame) thing he or she did during break. We'll also talk about our plans for Q4 then get time to work on the Imperialism AP Reports part 1 & the reading for this unit.
  • Imperialism AP Reports part 1 due Tuesday core 1 and Wednesday for core 5
  • Quiz on Imperialism on the last day our class meets (I'll be collecting notes for all the reading sections)